Monday, December 1, 2014

Time to Get Christmas Decorations Out!

 Yay! It's time to decorate for Christmas. Time to put out my pretties which have been hidden in a box for 11 months. Most of these patterns came from books I purchased in the days before I discovered free patterns online. The leaves and berries on this doily gave me the idea for a head warmer.
Remember? Patterns are suggestions.
 Some of these need to be blocked again after being folded so long.
 The center of the poinsettia is made with beads. I like that this doily is flat enough to set something on. Perhaps one of my Nativity sets.
 This one has a raised middle. For blocking, I use small wads of waxed paper under the petals. The center is made of French knots. I like how the yellow thread shows up so well.
 I remember working on this while waiting in the pediatrician's office. That's been quite a few years!!
 These 2 really need reblocked. I like to put small decorations (round glass tree ornaments or very small wrapped presents) in the sleigh.
One of the stockings for my mantle. I think the crocheted cuff is elegant.
And, of course, my December pineapple square.
I like having festive touches of color around my house. It only adds to my fun to be able to say, "Why, yes, I did make that"

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