Monday, December 22, 2014

More Angels

Once again, I fooled myself thinking I was finished with Christmas projects.
 My daughter said it sure would be nice if she could give her mentor at work a big angel like the one at my Nativity Scene. I had to find the pattern.
I had no idea which book had that pattern. I knew I had made my angel long enough ago that I hadn't found the pattern online. It was in this book.
It took 3 days of my crocheting time, but I finished the 3 pieces which need to be stiffened. It will take lots of glue, because this angel has to support its own weight.
 Here they are, glued and measured and fastened on Styrofoam with wooden toothpicks.
The bodice/shoulders needed a specific curve that I had to carve from a block. I've reused it quite a few times.
The glue will take a few days to dry, while I crochet the head and make the decorations for the angel to "hold". Then, it's time for the hot glue gun and assembly.
 All finished! Small beads strung on crochet thread for a necklace. A ribbon bow and a small ball cut from a tree garland.
There were more angel patterns. I couldn't resist the flute players, since I play flute!

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