Monday, December 29, 2014

Another Big Project

 I want to make a capelet to wear to my son's wedding. I have just over 3 months. I'm not going to be doing much except crocheting for a while! I'm using an afghan pattern for inspiration.
This took quite a while to make with worsted weight yarn and a size I hook. Using size 10 crochet thread and a 00 hook might take longer.
I have 2 of these big balls of thread. 2730 yards, each. I hope it's enough.
The afghan pattern is in this book. It calls for 7 bottom points before joining and working across in rows. I knew how many inches around I wanted it to be, but I didn't know how many points that would be. I used one of the spools to make bottom points and the other one to join until it was long enough. It took 17 points.......... Now I just have to work across the rows until it is long enough. This is going to take a while.......

Monday, December 22, 2014

More Angels

Once again, I fooled myself thinking I was finished with Christmas projects.
 My daughter said it sure would be nice if she could give her mentor at work a big angel like the one at my Nativity Scene. I had to find the pattern.
I had no idea which book had that pattern. I knew I had made my angel long enough ago that I hadn't found the pattern online. It was in this book.
It took 3 days of my crocheting time, but I finished the 3 pieces which need to be stiffened. It will take lots of glue, because this angel has to support its own weight.
 Here they are, glued and measured and fastened on Styrofoam with wooden toothpicks.
The bodice/shoulders needed a specific curve that I had to carve from a block. I've reused it quite a few times.
The glue will take a few days to dry, while I crochet the head and make the decorations for the angel to "hold". Then, it's time for the hot glue gun and assembly.
 All finished! Small beads strung on crochet thread for a necklace. A ribbon bow and a small ball cut from a tree garland.
There were more angel patterns. I couldn't resist the flute players, since I play flute!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Stockings

Well, I thought I was finished making Christmas projects, then my daughter bought some yarn, and there was a pattern on the wrapper.......
How cute is that? Only, I really don't like to work with novelty yarns. So, I pulled out some green and some white worsted weight yarns and followed the pattern.....
OK, it's really cute, but the gauge was about half what it should be.
Also, I don't like how picots turn out when I follow the pattern, so my version of these picots is: sl st in next st, ch 4, sl st in same st, ch 1, sk next st, repeat around.
Proof, if you needed it that checking your gauge is important.
Maybe I just needed bulkier yarn and a bigger hook....... Size N hook, multi strands of yarn. That might work! Red, green, and white yarns. Christmasy!!!
 I don't need more stockings for my mantle, but slipper socks? Sounds good! Of course I had to change the pattern to fit my feet. 30 stitches in a round was way too big. 24 was just right. I needed a longer foot, so I put the heel opening in round 11 instead of in round 9. And why make it so high on my leg when my pants cover the top? I only put 7 rounds after the heel opening instead of 11.
 Also, I didn't put on the cuff (or the hanger!).
It's only 25 degrees outside, but my feet are warm! Now, I just need a mug of hot chocolate.....

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Projects - Finished!

 Yay! I finished my last big Christmas projects!
This table runner is beautiful, if I do say so myself. When I wash a multicolored project like this one, especially the first time, I add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to help set the colors. I know, the thread package says boilfast, but I just like to be sure. This pattern is at: - pineapple rainbow runner.
I think the wreath turned out well, also. The angel pattern is at: . It's called flat pineapple angel.
Here's what I was thinking as I was planning this wreath.....
Colors: white for Jesus' purity, gold because Jesus is King of kings, red for Jesus' blood, green for the new life He gives us.
There are 7 angels of silver metallic thread. 7 is the number of perfection and completion, and Jesus is perfect. These angels represent the angels who announced Jesus' birth.
The angels are sort of cross shaped. Jesus was born to die on the cross for our sins.
The 8th angel at the top is of gold metallic white thread and is holding a trumpet to represent the angel who will blow the trumpet to announce Jesus' return for His church.
8 is the number of resurrection and regeneration. 8 is 7 + 1 and since it comes right after 7, which means a completion, 8 means a new beginning.
Some examples from the Bible of 8 as a new beginning:
8 people in Noah's ark (new beginning after the flood)
God made 8 covenants with Abraham
Jesus called himself the "Son of Man". This term occurs 88 times.
Jesus rose on the first day of the week after He was crucified, an 8th day.
Jesus appeared 8 times to His followers between His Resurrection and his Ascension.
In Greek numerology, the numbers of Jesus' name add up to 888.
Revelation has 888 Greek words.

Merry Christmas!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Time to Get Christmas Decorations Out!

 Yay! It's time to decorate for Christmas. Time to put out my pretties which have been hidden in a box for 11 months. Most of these patterns came from books I purchased in the days before I discovered free patterns online. The leaves and berries on this doily gave me the idea for a head warmer.
Remember? Patterns are suggestions.
 Some of these need to be blocked again after being folded so long.
 The center of the poinsettia is made with beads. I like that this doily is flat enough to set something on. Perhaps one of my Nativity sets.
 This one has a raised middle. For blocking, I use small wads of waxed paper under the petals. The center is made of French knots. I like how the yellow thread shows up so well.
 I remember working on this while waiting in the pediatrician's office. That's been quite a few years!!
 These 2 really need reblocked. I like to put small decorations (round glass tree ornaments or very small wrapped presents) in the sleigh.
One of the stockings for my mantle. I think the crocheted cuff is elegant.
And, of course, my December pineapple square.
I like having festive touches of color around my house. It only adds to my fun to be able to say, "Why, yes, I did make that"