Sunday, September 11, 2016

Striped Scarf

My sister's birthday sneaks up on me every year! This year I decided to make an infinity scarf for her.  I still had some yarn in mint green, her favorite color. After I started it, I realized it wouldn't be enough and I knew I'd never match the dye lot, so I bought some white.
Chain 35, using the main color - makes 32 stitches plus 3 chains for the first dc, for a total of 33 stitches. I didn't count how many rows long it was, just measured 66 inches long.
Work dc in 4th ch from hook and in each chain across, 33 dc (first ch 3 counts as a dc in each row).
Ch 3, turn work dc across. Repeat for 20 or so inches. I only put one block of white in the middle.
Tie the white on. Ch 3, using both colors, this carries the color you're not using up a row without any loose strands. Using only white, work 2 rows of white. For the last stitch of the second row, use both colors to carry both colors up to the next row. Every other row you will need to work both colors up to the next row.
Work 6 rows of main color.
Work 4 rows of white.
Work 4 rows of main color.
Work 6 rows of white.
Work 2 rows of main color. Fasten off and work end in.
Work a nice block of white, as little or as much as you like, I worked the block until the scarf was about 42 inches long.
Then tie on main color and work alternating graduated stripes. After the 2 rows of white, fasten off and work the end in.
I then worked a block of the main color until it was 66 inches long.
Fold it in half and join the ends using slip stitch into a circular scarf.

Continue down one side with sc to make an even edging. I find that by working 1 or 2 stitches on the sides of dc stitches makes an even edge, you may need more or less depending on your gauge. After you've worked around, join and fasten off.
Fasten on white on other edge of the scarf and work an edging row.
My sister loved her hand-made, Valerie original. She put it on immediately and didn't take it off. It makes me feel so good when someone like something I've made!

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