Monday, May 2, 2016

Too Much Pinterest

I don't know why I keep going to Pinterest. Those e-mails about "??? re-pinned your pin" catch me every time. I'm just too curious about which of my pins looked good to someone else, I guess. Then I just have to see what's new. There is always some thing that catches my eye.Then of course I have to pin it. I don't know why I have a kids board. I have no young children and no grandchildren (yet). Still, that seems to be the board which gets the most new pins.
I have so many wip. I need to be working on them. I NEED those wip baskets!
Granted, I lost several hours this week when my old phone died. I'm still trying to learn how to use this new phone. That and the new games on it are like a black hole. I don't even notice how long I've been playing with it. Oh, well, eventually, it'll be old hat and I can get back to my life!
This week on Pinterest, I noticed more "vintage" items. Not that I'm likely to make myself a granny square dress, but it was just too cute, so I pinned it. And that baby ponco! No grandchildren to need it, yet, never know, so I pinned it. Shawls! I really like shawls! I might make myself some more shawls, so I pinned them. Afghans! I still have months without  a special afghan to put on the back of my couch just for that month, so I pin lots of afghans.
Do I really need these pins, patterns, and pictures? No, but at least they're not taking up shelf space like my pattern books. That's some consolation....Oh, look, Pineapple Doilies!! I have to pin those...

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