Monday, October 12, 2015

Wedding Doilies and Baby Blankets

I knew I needed to make 6 more wedding doilies for nieces, nephews, and a daughter.
 I felt that I was ahead with 2 finished and no engagements announced. Now, another niece is engaged, so I'm not as far ahead as I thought. Time to block one for her and start another one. I think I should just make them all and really be ready. I prefer making one of a kind items, so I feel like I've been making these forever, even though I made the first one about 15 years ago for the daughter of a dear friend. I made 4 for friends before making the gold one for my parents' 50th wedding anniversary in 2003.
Mom still displays it on her dining room table. Since then, I've made a silver one for my brother's and his wife's 25th anniversary and 8 more white ones. 5 to go. Then I can retire this pattern for a while, I hope.
I can't concentrate solely on wedding doilies. I have 2 nephews, a son, a daughter, and soon a niece who'll be married and haven't started a family. I only have 3 round ripple baby blankets made.
Happily, I do get a few month's warning on these. They're always the hit of a baby shower.
 However, my daughter informed me that she expects each of my grandchildren to receive more than 1 blanket, hand crocheted, of course. I have to find more patterns! She also only wants pink or blue blankets, no multi colored blankets for her, please.
I just adore the lacy edge on this pattern.
I predict lots more blankets in my near future!

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