Monday, November 21, 2016

My lead time is disappearing fast.

How did that happen? I hoped to have my December afghan nearly finished by now, instead, I'm only a little over a third of the way finished! Well, I unraveled the first square three times before I got it right. Then, my younger daughter told me that she needed a baby blanket for a dear friend's baby shower. That slowed me down, but I did get that blanket finished before the shower.
Then, I remembered that I had promised my daughter-in-law a crocheted nativity set. I had started it last year and my older daughter said it was so cute that she wanted one, too. Ok. It IS cute. I want one too! I told them that this is a several year project. This year, they get Mary, Joseph, a manger, a star, and a baby Jesus. I have to make 2 more Josephs and that project will be finished for this year. 
I may be cutting it close to finish my afghan!

Monday, November 7, 2016

I'm getting an early start on my December afghan

Last week, a friend posted on Facebook that she was looking for a "peppermint candy"afghan. I thought that looks a lot like the pattern I wanted to make for December. It's close, but not exact. The pattern I'm making is on It's called peppermint throw and pillow.  I'm not going to make the pillow. I think the afghan by itself is strikingly pretty. It's marked as expert skill required. At first, I thought that's just because it's big and will take a lot of time. Then I started it! I had to rip out several rows 3 times before I understood the instructions. That was so frustrating. I did finally get it. The pattern said to make all 42 of the big circles and all 30 of the little squares before sewing them together. I want to see progress, so I'm sewing them as I make them. So far, I have 4 big circles and 2 little squares made and sewn. Yes, this will take a while to make.